ACOM 1000 Valve Amp 160-6m 1Kw

Acom 1000 HF plus 6m Amplifier. The ACOM 1000 gives you a comfortable 1000 watts output on all amateur bands from 160 through 6 meters. The plate-load True Resistance Indicator (TRI) is a powerful tuning aid which, together with the automatically controlled input attenuator, helps the operator to quickly and precisely match antennas (5-10 seconds typically). The auto-operate function (when enabled) maintains the amplifier in OPERATE mode for you, thus saving manual operations and time. The amplifier will perform the functions of an antenna tuner for VSWR up to 3:1, thus enabling you change antennas faster and use them over a wider frequency range (saving tuning time).
An amplifier that is both user-friendly, and that looks after itself. It is designed to safely withstand up to 300W reflected power, up to 100 milliseconds duration of drive spikes, drive RF "tails" after a PTT or KEY release, operator's inadvertent tuning errors etc. It would also not cease to function with a "soft" AC line and would deliver more than half power at only 75% of nominal mains voltage. Withstands up to 10 milliseconds (down to zero) voltage drops, and up to +15% line voltage spikes. Text messages, 12 parameters, and strip peak-reading PEP meter displayed on a dot-matrix, back-lighted LCD. LED indicators are provided for OPERATE, attenuator-on, and ON/OFF conditions. The input bypassing and the vacuum antenna relays are very quiet even in CW mode due to their special mounting. Frequency Coverage: All amateur bands 1.8-54MHz. Power Output: 1000W PEP or continuous carrier, no mode limit.
Intermodulation Distortion: Better than 35dB below rated output. Hum and noise: Better than 40dB below rated output. Harmonic Output Suppression: 1.8-29.7MHz better than 50dB below rated output/ 50-54MHz better than 66dB below rated output. Input and Output Impedances: nominal value: 50 Ohm unbalanced, UHF (SO239) type connectors. Input circuit: broadband, VSWR less than 1.3:1, 1.8-54MHz continuously (no tunings, no switching) bypass path VSWR less than 1.1:1, 1.8-54MHz continuously. Output matching capability: better than VSWR 3:1 or greater at reduced output levels. RF Gain: 12.5dB typically, frequency response less than 1dB (50 to 60W drive power for rated output). Primary Power: 170-264V 200, 210, 220, 230 & 240 nominal taps, 100, 110 & 120V taps on request, +10%-15%tol.
, 50-60Hz, single phase, 2000VA consumption at rated output. Complies with CE safety and EMC requirements, as well as FCC-regulations (6,10 & 12m bands lock provided). Size (operating): w-422 x d-355 x h-182mm.