Amplifier control board, SSPA LDMOS MOSFET controller, HF multi band

Description This board is intended to control any kind of solid state amplifier. The board based on modern STM32G070 CPU and 16×2 LCD. All PA parameters will be under strict and constant control of this board. Board can control and display: - Temperature, up to 4 DS18B20 MAXIM digital thermometers, 1 mechanical sensor as final level of protection - Power supply voltage, 70v max - Power supply current, ALLEGRO ACS series IC as current sensor, 50A max - SWR and Output RF power from external sensor, 2000W max. Input RF power from external sensor, 99w max. PTT in, GND active The board has 9 digital output lines ("open drain", 50v/250ma max) to control: - Amplifier bypass relay, delayed by internal sequencer - Amplifier power supply on/off, delayed by internal sequencer - PWM output for FAN control, 500 Hz, width depends on temperature from DS18B20 sensors - PTT output, delayed by internal sequencer - Sequencer delays can be adjusted (from 0ms to 100ms, 1ms step, 30ms default) and stored via software settings menu. Error LED - Binary band code (4 bits) Board has many levels of protection in multiple area of PA - Temperature protection, 2 levels, soft level can be set via software settings menu - Overvoltage protection, value can be set via software settings menu - Overcurrent protection, value can be set via software settings menu - Excess of output RF power protection, value can be set via software settings menu - Excess of input RF power protection, value can be set via software settings menu - SWR protection, value can be set via software settings menu All settings are stored in EEPROM, and once set - they will always work. PA bypass relay and PTT output switching is under sequencer control. Sequencer delays can be adjusted (from 0ms to 100ms, 1ms step) and stored via software settings menu. Board size is 125mm x 100mm. We are open and active, regadless of the war.
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