Eico HF-89 Stereo Tube Amplifier, Upgraded, Tested, Excellent condition

Here we have a vintage Eico HF-89 stereo Vacuum tube power amplifier up for sale. It has been upgraded with new power-filter capacitors, other audio capacitors, wire-wound precision resistors, and has been thoroughly tested with test equipment (see pictures). Tubes have been tested on a Hickok 539C tube tester and test good with typical good values for transconductance. Also tubes were tested for shorts as well. Amplifier was allowed to burn-in on the bench with a signal generator, oscilloscope and a power meter. Maximum power into 8 ohms just before clipping is 70 watts at 3.5 Khz and other frequencies in the bandwidth.
This amplifier is factory rated at 50 watts into 4,8 or 16 ohms. Includes a laminated schematic of the amplifier. Check my 100% feedback since 1998.