ENI HF-300 (2100) 300 Watt HF RF Amplifier Power Generator Ham

The photos form part of the item description. ENI HF-300 300 Watt RF Amplifier Power Generator. This item is for Repair or Parts only. The ENI HF-300 is a 300 Watt RF Amplifier covering the HF frequency range. It is internally similar to the model 2100 amplifier, with the addition of a built in 13.56MHz signal source.
As a power generator this would be used for plasma applications. Ea sily converted to a broadband HF amplifier.
Powers up, fan runs, but no output. With the addition of an RF input connector, this unit would make a very nice bench-top RF amplifier. In very good cosmetic condition as shown below, clean inside and out. For spares or easy repair. A Usually, yes, and we recommend that you do.