KP1-4 20-1000pF 10kV Vacuum Variable Capacitor High-Voltage Russian NEW

KP1-4 20-1000pF 10kV Russian High-Voltage Vacuum Variable Capacitor. High quality, long service life. Vacuum capacitor of variable capacity KP1-4 10kV 20-1000pF with a glass-metal sheath is designed for operation in DC, AC circuits and in pulsed modes.
Has very exact and stable parameters. Frequency - up to 30Mhz. Maximum operating frequency - no more than 60Mhz. Rated current - no more than 500A.
The minimum operating time without failure is at least 1000h. Wieght - 3.27kg (7.2 lb). Hieght - 270mm (10.57 inch). Diameter of the tube - 145mm (5.7 inch). Diameter of the tuning shaft - 12mm (0.47 inch).
Dates and prints do not match the lot. Reliable and vibration-proof packaging of the parcel.