Programmable Power Supply 3.5kW HF Amplifier Pallet 32x ARF448 NOS

The photos form part of the item description. Programmable Power Supply 3K5_PALLET 3.5kW Power Amplifier Pallet. This item is "NOS" (unused, Old Stock).
NOS (New, Old Stock) spare part, HF Power Amplifier pallet, manufactured by Programmable Power Supply Inc for plasma heating. The ARF448 power mosfet can deliver up to 250W of RF from a single pair of devices. This liquid cooled amplifier pallet utilises 16 PAIRS of devices in the output stages, and was specified for 3.5kW of RF output. Two of these pallets are used in the PPS 7kW amplifier. This is a transformer coupled / matched broadband amplifier.
We have no other data at the present time. Offered on a "spares or repair" basis. Use the complete pallet for your experimental HF transmitter, or break for the parts to build multiple smaller amplifiers.
Also useful as a spare part for the 7kW amplifier. Please note that the pallet shown has a single SMA input connection, but two N-type output connectors. The output is hence a pair of 1750W outputs which can be combined externally or used separately. The original output combiner is not included, we do not have it.
As shown, this pallet weighs 11kg. A Usually, yes, and we recommend that you do.