RM MLA100 1.8-54Mhz Linear Amplifier

MLA100 is a compact 100W amplifier, with MOSFET Mitsubishi RD1100HHF1, for HF and 6mt bands from 1.8MHz to 54MHz. The amplifier features an extremely fast RX and TX switching with PIN diodes which makes it suitable for use in QSK. The driving power must be between 1 and 5W.
With the PTT the device will work best, without working in VOX mode. The output filter is chosen automatically by the amplifier, but can be preselected manually by the user.
On the front panel, in addition to the band in use, output power and VSWR are graphically indicated. The apparatus also has a series of automatic protections such as: over-temperature, over-pilot, excessive VSWR, overcurrent etc. Frequency Range: 1.8 - 30 MHz and 50 - 54 MHz. Supply Voltage: 12 - 14 VDC. Input: 1 - 10 Watts. Output: 100 Watts on HF bands and 80 Watts on 6M Band.